I do not comprehend the people in this discussion page…nor the people who've upvoted this article, to be perfectly honest. Yes, there are some psychos in the world, but not enough to make an actual industry out of consuming human flesh! If I just haven't gotten out enough, and the world really is that messed up…oh god. *head shake* I for one was unable to suspend my disbelief - to any degree - when I got to the part about MC&D serving this stuff at an exclusive restaurant. People just wouldn't do that. (To clarify, people wouldn't go to that restaurant - I'm sure MC&D is capable of trying.) Downvoted.
…If anyone sees this post and laughs their head off at my naiveté, well, I prefer to believe that the world is not full of sick people, and I haven't seen enough of the world to be forced to believe otherwise.