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Hannibal Lecter would love this… The creepiest part is not what the SCP does, but rather what people did with it. +1
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Who knew that MCD worked with the Hapsburgs? There were too many spelling errors in this otherwise very squicky skip for me to ignore, -1
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"Excreta excreta"? Is that supposed to be et cetera, or is there some subtle humor at work?
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You really shouldn't of offered me the second option of pretending my spelling mistake was an intended joke. If I had less will power and restraint you probably would of gotten a reply like this: But...
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ok this is the first scp that has creeped me the fuck out…. before this 173 was the top… Great job
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I think the tone could use some improvement, but otherwise this is imaginative and well-thought-out.
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This is very good, but the tone is too emotional. Still, a very solid entry! I think the direct references to MC&D should be removed or minimized in the main description and shifted down with the...
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Ok, I've put the paragraphs referring solely to what MC&D did with the object in the bottom section. I don't really have a grasp on what needs to be done with the tone- I'll need some help with...
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The first paragraph grammar was king of bad, here's a fixed version: SCP-604 consists of a set of objects; organized for convenience and do to their similar traits and origins. They can be separated...
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Edited: used your advice as a template but combined sentence 1 and 2 together, because they were suppose to be one idea. same with 3 and 4.
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(seriously)Yeah, go ahead, that be nice- (sarcastically), maybe remove some of the "hilarious" bits where people eat cooked babies, or derive enjoyment from consuming a living screaming head. *rolls...
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I don't… entirely understand how it works, but this is way too good to merit a downvote. Maybe I just need to read it again. The question is, given the chance, would you eat off of a dish from this...
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Now I want to bite. Aside from some grammatical errors, pretty damn good article.
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